How innovative medical education in Kenya, in general, or in specific terms what have done? Has someone measured the impact of innovative medical education on the general population? Innovative medical education is expensive, have we worked with the private, public partnership.
We need more private universities to compete or compliment each other state universities on health care training and provision. The private universities may attract more PPP initiatives. The Aghan university has shown the way, we need Mpshah, Gertrude. A paradigm shift in that direction can help train more competent health workers and naturally the laws of supply and demand will apply, this may translate to lower training costs. currently, the cost of training health workers at paramedic and medical are embarrassingly expensive. In Zambia, the armed forces run a successful medical training college producing all the major health professionals. They have opened the training to the public and the public can borrow some tips on discipline and the soldiers can be reminded of the civilian life.
Back to the basic, way back in 2000, the Belguim Government was magnanimous and funded the establishment of skills lab in Kenya. We did a fantastic job, we reviewed curricula to enable the integration of the skills lab to crowded curricula
. We equipped and train teaching, thanks to the millions of Euro the VVOB provided. This helped to sanitise the training of nurses and clinical officers, at least they didn't practice with living subjects but rather they trained using manikins( specialized dolls) before they were examined and realised to go the clinical area to work with patients under supervision.
The picture depicts a student dressing and wound in an examination setting- called OSCE- objective structured clinical examination.
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